Cut the Bull -Do you WANT to feel better? 3 things to think about…
What's your story... 

  1.  Strength – If you had the strength, what would you do? Would you go outside and play with your kids? Would you go ride your horses like you used to? Would you go for a hike and take in some mountain air? Think of the possibilities. We get so stuck in our lives and we forget to think ahead and to dream. Dream about fixing your problem and getting better! My homework for you is to write down the things you would do if you just had the strength to do it.
  2.  Happiness-What does happiness look like to you? Is happiness being able to go on a vacation and walk around the beautiful beach without getting tired? Is happiness running around the living room and making your kids giggle? Dream about what makes you smile, what truly warms your heart and makes you smile. Write it down. Remind your self what happiness is and set goals.
  3. EnergyWe all work so hard and get SO tired! We always say tomorrow, or maybe later or hold on and then we never do it. What if you never said those words again! What if you had the energy to do whatever YOU wanted to do? Take the dog for a walk. No problem. Take the kids to the park and have play time. No problem! What about every day chores that we talk ourselves into doing. Yes, there is no better way to get those chores done quickly and easily when you have ENERGY!
When you have STRENGTH, HAPPINESS and ENERGY, how does your life look? Is your heart happier? Is your family happier? Is your work life happier? YES it is! When you have all of the things above then life is just a little brighter, for me anyways. How dim is it when we lay around tired all the time, put things off that we enjoy doing but don’t have the strength, or when we are living under a cloud and just can’t seem to lift our spirits. Your homework is to write answers to the above and then, contact me. I can help you feel better! It is a passion of mine. I have been through so much and I do not want others to waste time like I did.

 Feel better, live better and FIGHT BACK against not feeling good!  

Live a happy life!

Message me for details on how I can HELP you!  Love this info? You will LOVE my "Fight Back Secret"! Check it out here.

"Fight Back"


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