If not now...then WHEN?
Topic of conversation today is WHEN

That is it. One word. 

That is the word that haunts most people and they avoid that word like the plague. Answering that question of WHEN takes commitment. Hence the reason it is normally avoided. People are scared. Scared of commitment, scared of succeeding and scared of failing.  So, if we never answer the question of WHEN then WHEN do you think we will ever get new results? The answer? 

Elephant in the room has now been called out. Now can we move on? Perfect

WHEN will you decide to live a "better" life?

 This is a difficult question. It is difficult because most people don't even know what is making them unhappy. That is a big hurdle to get over. OR, maybe you do but you just don't listen to yourself or have confidence in yourself that you can change your circumstances. How do you make it better if you don't know what problem to tackle or if you don't have the confidence in yourself?  Maybe it will take an outsiders opinion, maybe it will take family and friends telling you, maybe it will take your children telling you. Maybe you already have listened to them, you just have to listen closer. Listen to the outsider asking if you are ok, listen to the family/friends that continuously check on you or offer unwanted advice, or listen to your kids saying mom/dad please come play with me.  Look back on those moments and actually listen. What are they trying to tell you? Do they want you to be a better version of YOU that they see even if you can't? Sometimes the answers are in front of us the entire time. We just need to listen and then we need to decide WHEN we want to reach out and create a BETTER life. So WHEN will you be ready? The answer should be NOW. 

WHEN will you decide that you want to FEEL better?  

You say you hurt. Ok, I can understand that. I do too. We all have our journeys that we have overcome and some of us will fight this battle every day of our lives BUT how can you FEEL better if you don't decide WHEN you will make a change? If you don't decide WHEN to change your path, then you will never know what possibilities you have for feeling better. You need to take time to collect your thoughts and decide TODAY IS THE DAY.  The stress relief that you will feel just from deciding WHEN will be enough to put a smile on your face. Relief is an understatement. They don't say that today is the first day of the rest of your life for nothing. Millions of people know that when they decide WHEN then there is a sense of comfort in knowing things are about to change. Don't know where to start? That is what I am for. Message me day or night and I will help YOU. Yes, I will be here for you. Why? I have been where you are or in a similar situation and there is an UP from here. You just have to decide WHEN.

What is YOUR answer?
WHEN will you decide to make some changes?
WHEN will you decide to reach out?
WHEN will you decide to live a better life?
NOW. You are here so Click HERE.
Make the decision.
Make the WHEN stress get off your chest. 

CLICK HERE to get that WHEN stress off your chest.

I am so excited to help YOU live a better life. I know how good it made me feel at that very moment that I decided WHEN to change my life and I want to share that with everyone! Talk to you soon!

Angela Newhouse
"Fight Back"


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