Who wants a recipe? My FAVORITE RECIPE for a Roast
I figured that I would lighten things up a bit and give you an AMAZING recipe that can make your entire family drool. 

I LOVE food and I LOVE good tasting food even more ; ) So, I thought I would share with all of those that I love. PS That is all of YOU!

Some people don't like roasts because they can be tough or dry but MY roasts melt in your mouth and are as tender as fall off the bone ribs. It doesn't matter if it is a chuck roast, a sirloin roast pot roast etc, they will all be tender.

Do you have a crock pot? I cook mine in a small crock(depending on the size of the meat) for 4-5 hours on high. You may need to adjust this to low or medium if your crock pot is high heat output.  I like all of the juices to be able to soak into the meat and not expand into unused area of a bigger pan so I mostly use my small crock pot. I know what you are thinking. That is a long time. Just throw it in, go about your day and then BAM. It is done and ready to go before you know it. Yes there may be quicker ways but...the slow cooking makes it more tender. Well, and because of my ingredients!

Ok, I will stop explaining and just get right to it. The ingredients are below. From first ingredient to last, I never cook the same way twice as far as quantity of ingredients but it is always pretty darn close to the same. I am the kind of person who puts a little of this and a little of that and flavors it to my liking. So salt as much or as little as you prefer. 

Your Roast
Johnnys condensed Au jus liquid 1 cup -pour directly over meat
Mrs Dash seasoning -5-6 shakes or your preference 
Pendleton Whiskey(4-5 shots)-pour directly over the meat
(If you don't like using alcohol then use apple cider vinegar but only use 2-3 shots)
Alpine Mixed salt seasoning-salt to your liking but I layer the entire top of the meat with it
Chopped Garlic -2 table spoons put directly on top of meat
1 red bell pepper sliced and placed over meat
1 green bell pepper sliced and placed over meat
1 purple onion sliced and placed alongside of the meat
Your favorite BBQ sauce- I pour it over the top of the roast to seal in the seasonings

Fill the crock pot 3/4 of the way up with water and leave it. If you stick a fork in the meat and it does not fall a part. LET IT COOK LONGER. It is well worth the wait!

Also, use the left over meat for barbacoa tacos and you will have an another AMAZING dinner.

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
My business page The Mended Soul-@Themendedsouls
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 


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