The power of being you

The power of being you

This holiday season, let's make a pact to be ourselves. To not try and please everyone or fit into some idealized version of who we're supposed to be. To be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes. To give ourselves grace when things don't go perfectly. To celebrate our unique gifts and talents. To let our light shine bright, even in the darkest of moments. When we do this, we give others permission to do the same. We model for them what it looks like to live authentically and with intention. We show them that it's okay to be different, that it's okay to set boundaries, and that it's okay to put ourselves first sometimes. This holiday season, let's pledge to be true to ourselves—it just might be the best gift we can give.

Why Being Yourself is the Best Gift You Can Give This Holiday Season
This holiday season, let's make a pact to be ourselves. To not try and please everyone or fit into some idealized version of who we're supposed to be. To be kind to ourselves when we make mistakes. To give ourselves grace when things don't go perfectly. To celebrate our unique gifts and talents. To let our light shine bright, even in the darkest of moments. When we do this, we give others permission to do the same. We model for them what it looks like to live authentically and with intention. We show them that it's okay to be different, that it's okay to set boundaries, and that it's okay to put ourselves first sometimes. This holiday season, let's pledge to be true to ourselves—it just might be the best gift we can give. 

So this holiday season, I invite you to join me in being yourself—flaws and all. It might not always be easy, but I promise it will be worth it. Not just for you, but for those around you too. When you live authentically and with intention, you inspire others to do the same. You show them that it's possible to lead a life that is true to who they are—a life that is full of meaning and purpose. So go ahead and be you this holiday season—the world needs your light now more than ever before.

Wishing you all a very happy holiday season!

PS keep an eye out for an upcoming recipe! ; )

Angela Newhouse
Authentication Educator
(208) 731-1665

Want a FREE course to start your new authenticating journey? Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS and for FREE!
Click here now! 

Implement these things to create a positive change in your life

Implement these things to create a positive change in your life
When I was younger, I thought that life was just something that happened to you. You were born, you lived your life and handled whatever was tossed your way, and then you died. There wasn't anything that you could do to change it. But I was wrong.

Life is what you make it. You have the power to create the life that you want to live. It won't be easy, but it's worth it.
These things below keep me going to this day.  They are POWERFUL and INSPIRING. So, have a look and message me if you want even more information!

1. You are in control of your life - no one else can dictate how you feel or what you do so write a list of the things that you want in your life, not what others want for you
2. Don't let others bring you down - be your own person and be proud of who you are. Write a list of the people who lift you up and the ones who bring you down. (Surround yourself with the ones who lift you up(
3. Don't be afraid to take risks and go after what you want in life. If you don't brave the unknown, you will never get to see the world of possibilities.
4. Be grateful for what you have, even when things are tough.  Be grateful for everything in your journey.  It is either teaching you something or rewarding you with something.
5. Embrace change, it's a natural part of life.  Change is what we all want but never accept it when we need it. Change your life into the dream life that you have always wanted.
6. Find ways to make each day meaningful and enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Remind yourself of the beauty in each day. Don't focus on the destination so much that you forget to look out your windows at the scenery as you drive through life.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating the life that you WANT.  If you want more great information, click here to join my FREE Facebook group where we have daily encouragement and surround yourself with like minded people on the same journey. 


Angela Newhouse
Confidence Educator
Advocate for "Never Giving Up" and providing tools to help people through their hard times
(208) 731-1665

Want a FREE course to start your new authenticating journey? Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS and for FREE!
Click here now! 

RECIPE! Check out this chicken dinner idea...

RECIPE! Check out this chicken dinner idea...
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Sunday morning!  

I haven't shared a recipe in a while but last night I made some delicious chicken and I wanted to share it with YOU. 

Chicken and spinach over rice.(Not sure what else to call it) Keep reading :)

This is GLUTEN FREE AND DAIRY FREE(you can always throw on some shredded cheese to top it off but I did not)

Here is what you will need

1 can of gluten free cream of mushroom soup
1 can of gluten free cauliflower soup
3 cups of oat or almond milk
Alpine seasoning salt(My favorite-I get this at Albertsons)
Dry powder ranch seasoning packet
A few grinds off the pepper grinder
1 lb of raw chicken breasts
3 cups of instant white rice
2 cups of fresh or frozen spinach. I like the fresh stuff but whatever you have is good. I have also made this recipe with corn and broccoli if you do not like spinach.

OK! Lets get started!

Turn your oven on 350. While you are waiting for that to warm up. Cut your chicken into large quarters. Season and brown them in a frying pan on each side BEFORE putting them into your baking pan.
In a bowl mix up the cans of soup, the dairy free milk and your seasonings. 
When you are done browning your chicken lay it out in the pan, spread your spinach out over the top of the chicken and pour your creamy soup mixture over the top. Bake for 45 min.
In a separate pan boil your water for the rice according to the instructions on the box.

When the chicken is done grab a plate, put the amount of rice that you would like and get a BIG serving spoon for the chicken to get all of the creamy soup, spinach and chicken and pour it over the rice!

It was a wonderful creamy and warm start to our fall weather.  Top it off with some wine or your favorite beverage.  I loved it and I hope that you will too!

Have a wonderful rest of your day!


Angela Newhouse
Confidence Educator
Advocate for "Never Giving Up" and providing tools to help people through their hard times
(208) 731-1665

Want a FREE course to start your new authenticating journey? Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS and for FREE!
Click here now! 

How to be the true you

How to be the true you
We've all been there. You're at a party and you see someone you want to talk to, but you don't know how to start a conversation. Or you're in a meeting and you have a great idea, but you're too afraid to speak up. We've all had moments where we wish we could be someone else, someone more confident, more successful. But the truth is, being someone else is exhausting. It's time to AUTHENTICATE your life and be the true you. Here's how: 

Start with Baby Steps
The first step to being the true you is learning to love yourself, faults and all. That sounds easier said than done, but it can be as simple as starting with baby steps. Every day, look in the mirror and say three things that you love about yourself, even if they're small things. It could be something like "I love my smile," or "I love my sense of humor." Once you get used to saying positive things about yourself out loud, it will become easier and more natural. And soon, you'll find yourself being more positive and confident in other areas of your life as well.

Be Prepared
Another way to authenticate your life and be the true you is by being prepared for any situation. If you're going into a meeting or a networking event, do your research beforehand so that you feel more confident when talking to people. If you're going on a date, take some time to think of some conversation starters so that there are less awkward silences. The more prepared you are, the less likely you are to feel nervous or out of place. 

Dress for Success
When it comes to authenticating your life, don't forget about your wardrobe! Dressing for success can boost your confidence and make you feel like the best version of yourself. Whether it's wearing your favorite pair of shoes or investing in some quality pieces that make you feel powerful and put-together, make sure your clothing choices reflect the person you want to be seen as. 

Being the true you doesn't have to be difficult or scary—it can be as easy as making small changes in your everyday life. Start with baby steps, like complimenting yourself every day or dressing for success. With time and practice, it will become second nature and you'll wonder why you ever tried to be anyone else in the first place!

Angela Newhouse
Confidence Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up
(208) 731-1665

Want a FREE course to start your new authenticating journey? Get IMMEDIATE ACCESS and for FREE!
Click here now! 

Heal, Build Confidence and Find your purpose! Here is WHY...

Heal, Build Confidence and Find your purpose! Here is WHY...
In order to live our lives in the happiest most fulfilling way possible, these three things are super important!

Heal yourself from past things that haunt you.  If you do not take the time to recognize and heal things from your past, then those things will control your future. Make peace with the things you can't change, let them go so that each step that you take forward is less heavy. As you continue your journey you will feel each step forward lighten. It will go from feeling like your legs are full of concrete to them feeling light as air. Now that of course is a visual for you but in reality, it truly does feel like that and you can't let the past weigh down your future.

Build your confidence.  This is a necessity in order to be successful in your personal and professional life. Without confidence or believing in yourself, you can't reach the sky! Build yourself up. Recognize your unique qualities and appreciate the person that you are and the strengths that you have. Confidence will lead you past your fears and into a bright new world full happiness.

Find your purpose in life.  Don't just live life day by day to get it over with. Find your true purpose. What impact can you make on the world? What impact can you make on your friends and family? How can you improve your life and theirs in a positive way? Never stop searching for your purpose and never stop making a positive impact on those around you.

For more information on how to accomplish this or to join a group of people who are authenticating their lives and living with free rein then message me.  I would love to talk to you. 

Take care,

Angela Newhouse
Confidence Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
(208) 731-1665
A "Get Clarity" FREEBIE for you! Check it out!

3 ways to get CLEAR on your goals so that you can REACH your goals

3 ways to get CLEAR on your goals so that you can REACH your goals
We all set goals and we all have fallen short of reaching them. Not all of the time, but sometimes. So, I am here to give you 3 tips to reaching those goals. I feel like a lot of reasons that I don't seem to finish to the end is because I don't have good answers for the reasons listed below.  Take a quick read and see how evaluating these 3 things can help you succeed and crush those goals.

When setting your goals you need to ask yourself:

Why are you doing this? The WHY is the most important thing to ask yourself. If you do not know why you are trying to reach that goal then you are going to be less likely to put full effort into reaching it. You will get lost along the way and unmotivated and it will increase your chances of not succeeding. So, figure out WHY and even write it down on a sticky note and put it on your mirror to see every day or set a reminder on your calendar as a daily tool to keep you on track with remembering why you are doing what you are doing.  Go deep on this topic.  Your reason why needs to be powerful enough that you never give up until you reach your goal.

Who are you doing this for? The importance of this question can make or break your goals. If you don't know who you are doing it for then things like resentment, lack of motivation and resistance can interrupt your progress. Figure out WHO you are doing it for and then remind yourself along the way, how great they will feel when you meet that goal. Who you are doing it for feeds your excitement, your drive and your willingness to continue until you reach your goal. Keep focused on who you are helping and why it will make an impact in their lives and you will be successful at reaching it. That includes goals that you set for yourself. You deserve to reward yourself with accomplishing it just as much as doing it  for someone else that it will benefit.

Visualize meeting your goal, what does that look like? Visualizing the end result can help drive you towards it.  Sometimes when we lose motivation along the way and all it takes is a visual. to spark things back up.   If your goal is to lose weight then you picture a skinnier healthier person. If you goal is to save up to buy a new car then your visual is you driving around a new car. If you have a goal to sell a certain amount of books then your visual is seeing how many lives you can positively impact and picture that group of people in your mind and watch that group grow. Whatever your goal is, you need to visualize the end impact and what it looks like because that will help you see why you can't give up. 

Answer these questions and crush those goals!

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
(208) 731-1665
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 
A "Get Clarity" FREEBIE for you! Check it out!

3 reasons WHY to self evaluate

3 reasons WHY to self evaluate
There are too many things in life that try and trip us up, so get yourself prepared for that step off of the curb so that you don't jar yourself.

1. You or them-When you know yourself inside and out then you will have clarity on where the problem is. If you are the problem then work on you. Figure out how you can get past what is holding you back. If you know yourself, your intentions, your heart then you know that the issue is with them. Do not carry their weight. Clarity on whether it is them or you gives you the power to know the next step of how to fix the issue so that you can move forward. 

2. Setting boundaries -When you know yourself inside and out then you know what you can handle and what you can't and it also gives you the strength to stand up for yourself. If you have a tendency to open the door for them to overload you then that is on you. If you have set your boundaries and have been clear about them then anything above that is on them. Knowing who is crossing the boundaries gives you the information that you need on who to address in order to fix it. You or them.  You can't let them overload you and then complain about it. Know yourself and your limits.

3. Clarity on what you want- Do you want to continue to run in the wrong direction or do you want clarity so that you can run in the right direction? I want to know that when I get to my destination that it was the right destination.  I don't want to get there and realize that I went the wrong way and I have to start over and keep going. If you want to be successful in your life then you can't get enough clarity, ever. Always strive for clarity in every situation.  Your success depends on clarity, communication, boundaries and knowing the problem. If you want to work 60 hours a week then you will know that. I know you are thinking, who would want to do that? Well, some people do. BUT if you don't, do some self evaluating then you won't know if you are that type of person or not. Maybe you are someone who wants to work 20 hours a week. I know what you are thinking and that is that you don't have a choice because you need a paycheck for more hours a week. WRONG. If you make the decision to say I want to work this many hours a week and make this much money then that will give you the clarity to find ways to make that happen. Write a list. My list was this-work from home, have the flexibility to be available for my daughter, make an impact on peoples lives, make $$$$ dollars a month, make an impact on peoples lives and inspire people to get past their traumas and what holds them back in life. Then...I chased a solution with everything I had until I ended up where I am today. It can happen for you too if you self evaluate.

Have you jumped into my FREE Facebook group? We have in depth conversations, workshops and trainings that get you on the right path and past your roadblocks. Click here to join.

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 
A "Get Clarity" FREEBIE for you! Check it out!

3 Reasons to FACE IT and not FEAR IT

3 Reasons to FACE IT and not FEAR IT
There was a time when all that I could think about was that one moment. "That moment" controlled my life. I thought about the humiliation, the anxiety, the heart wrenching feeling of not feeling worthy, ALL OF THE TIME. I got used to it being a part of my daily thoughts. I feared it so much that I just kept holding back tears, not wanting to be around others and really wishing being invisible wasn't just something that happens in the marvel movies. 

It is time for you to GET RID OF THOSE LIMITING fears and FACE THEM.  Tackle them head on! Here is why:

1. Anxiety and stress can cause health issues- Fretting over the past or even present day traumas or mistakes can take a nasty toll on your body. When our fears and thoughts consume us then it creates stressors within our body. It creates inflammation in our body and neither of those are good for you. Imagine our bodies just cruising through life and then hitting a brick wall. That is how badly you can affect your body just with bad mental thoughts and letting fears take over. Face them, resolve them and remove those toxic things from your life and your body can thrive. 

2. Fear can cause mental health issues- Letting fear consume you can create long term mental health issues if you don't tackle it and get rid of it. There is good fear and bad fear. Good fear is your spider senses that keep you alert and keep you humble when navigating through life. Bad fear is unresolved issues that can divert you from living a happy healthy life to living a toxic, fearful, harmful life.  Getting rid of fears that haunt you, gives you the freedom to move forward in a new light and a more positive light and that will give you the ability to thrive versus just get by.  I want to see you living the very best life that you possibly can so let it go! You do that by facing it and not fearing it.

3. Personal and professional growth will not happen-If you are carrying around fears from past trauma, fears of being hurt, fears of failure, fears of criticism and many other fears. Then you will not be able to grow. You will be stuck in the same life that you lived yesterday, last week, last month, last year, etc.  If you don't like what that looks like and you dream of a happier life, a more fulfilling  life, a stress free life, a life free from what haunts you, then face it. Face you fears, take the power back. Don't let it control you, you control it. When you do that, you will have the freedom to live the very best life that you want to live.

 Watch for my next blog where I will give you ways to help you successfully FACE IT, and REMOVE IT. 

Create a better tomorrow! You are the only one that holds the key to your happiness so, DO THE WORK. 

Do you want more inspiration and to join a friendly community that will help you grow? Click here to join my FREE Facebook group!

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
My business page The Mended Soul-@Themendedsouls
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 

Who wants a recipe? My FAVORITE RECIPE for a Roast

Who wants a recipe? My FAVORITE RECIPE for a Roast
I figured that I would lighten things up a bit and give you an AMAZING recipe that can make your entire family drool. 

I LOVE food and I LOVE good tasting food even more ; ) So, I thought I would share with all of those that I love. PS That is all of YOU!

Some people don't like roasts because they can be tough or dry but MY roasts melt in your mouth and are as tender as fall off the bone ribs. It doesn't matter if it is a chuck roast, a sirloin roast pot roast etc, they will all be tender.

Do you have a crock pot? I cook mine in a small crock(depending on the size of the meat) for 4-5 hours on high. You may need to adjust this to low or medium if your crock pot is high heat output.  I like all of the juices to be able to soak into the meat and not expand into unused area of a bigger pan so I mostly use my small crock pot. I know what you are thinking. That is a long time. Just throw it in, go about your day and then BAM. It is done and ready to go before you know it. Yes there may be quicker ways but...the slow cooking makes it more tender. Well, and because of my ingredients!

Ok, I will stop explaining and just get right to it. The ingredients are below. From first ingredient to last, I never cook the same way twice as far as quantity of ingredients but it is always pretty darn close to the same. I am the kind of person who puts a little of this and a little of that and flavors it to my liking. So salt as much or as little as you prefer. 

Your Roast
Johnnys condensed Au jus liquid 1 cup -pour directly over meat
Mrs Dash seasoning -5-6 shakes or your preference 
Pendleton Whiskey(4-5 shots)-pour directly over the meat
(If you don't like using alcohol then use apple cider vinegar but only use 2-3 shots)
Alpine Mixed salt seasoning-salt to your liking but I layer the entire top of the meat with it
Chopped Garlic -2 table spoons put directly on top of meat
1 red bell pepper sliced and placed over meat
1 green bell pepper sliced and placed over meat
1 purple onion sliced and placed alongside of the meat
Your favorite BBQ sauce- I pour it over the top of the roast to seal in the seasonings

Fill the crock pot 3/4 of the way up with water and leave it. If you stick a fork in the meat and it does not fall a part. LET IT COOK LONGER. It is well worth the wait!

Also, use the left over meat for barbacoa tacos and you will have an another AMAZING dinner.

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
My business page The Mended Soul-@Themendedsouls
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 

3 POWERFUL habits to do DAILY

3 POWERFUL habits to do DAILY
There are some habits that are worth keeping and these ones are FOR SURE THE BEST!

1. Remind yourself of everything that you have to be grateful for - Starting your day with a reminder of the things you have to be grateful for can set the tone for the day. It changes your mindset into a positive and grateful attitude and everything that comes along during your day will be seen differently.  If you have something bad happen during the day then you are more likely to be more grateful of the good things versus jump on the negative train and take a path of frustration during your day and focus too long on the bad.

2. Repeat affirmations to yourself while you get ready in the morning - While you are getting ready in the morning is a perfect time to remind yourself of of how wonderful you are, what your purpose is and how much confidence you want to walk out the door with. Write a list of affirmations that you need to help lift you up each day. If you have a weakness that you struggle with, then write an affirmation that tackles that issue for you.  Write affirmations that will remind you why you are doing what you are doing each day of your life. What drives you, motivates you, inspires you?  Example: I am confident.  I am an empowerment coach that helps change the lives of others for the better. I AM making a difference in the world. Find the affirmations that fit for you. You are strong. You are confident. You deserve all the happiness that life has to offer. You are brave. Whatever fits for your situation, find affirmations that will help guide you and remind you of how amazing you are.

3. Walk with confidence into your day - When you walk into your day with your head held high and confidence beaming out of you, then you have a power inside your soul that will lift you up. It lights a fire inside you. Have you ever heard the comment "walk in like you own the place"? It is a powerful statement because it sets the tone for your surroundings and there is something great to be said about it. Sometimes it has been construed as cocky so be aware of that but more importantly, you are creating a confident environment and that is huge. We all need to walk with confidence. Walking fearful of everything, feeling self conscious, or walking around with doubt .

Create a better tomorrow! You are the only one that holds the key to your happiness so, DO THE WORK. 

Do you want more inspiration and to join a friendly community that will help you grow? Click here to join my FREE Facebook group!

Angela Newhouse
Empowerment Coach
Advocate for "Never Giving Up"
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."
Instagram Ang_Newhouse
My business page The Mended Soul-@Themendedsouls
Clubhouse @AngelaNewhouse 

3 questions to ask yourself to POWERFULLY CONQUER and ELIMINATE, DOUBT

3 questions to ask yourself to POWERFULLY CONQUER and ELIMINATE, DOUBT
Everyone has this little voice in their head that causes them to slow their roll and think about doubt.  This is a battle that some face every day. I will help you get you out of that mindset. We do not have time to waste in our life with self doubt. We are powerful, inspirational, hard working people who just need to kick that voice to the curb and keep on truckin' along.
Ask yourself the questions below each time that you have doubt creeping in. 

1. Are your intentions pure? Whenever your intentions are pure, then you will have A LOT of power behind what you are doing. Do not let doubt creep in. You have every reason to be doing what you are doing and working towards your end goal. Use that power to motivate you, heal you, and kick doubt to the curb and give your mindset a reboot of confidence instead.

2. Is your end goal ok with your moral compass?  When you are working towards a goal that aligns with your moral compass, then the doubt will take care of itself. Nothing can haunt you or make you feel icky when the end goal is morally acceptable for you. 

3. Is the reason behind your drive big enough? Sometimes if our end goal isn't big enough then we tend to let self doubt take over. Am I doing things right? What do other people think? Those questions go away when you see the big picture of how the end result can affect your life. An example would be me getting online and doing live instructional videos. A few years ago I would have never done that but now I see how doing that can help my business and the growth potential that I have if I do that. When I focused on the BIG picture and the reason behind it then the doubt and fears started to fade and my focus was now directed towards the end goal and I knew that I needed to sink or swim and I wanted to swim! So I conquered that fear and stepped up to the plate and now I realize I wasted too much time fearing it. 

Want to learn more? Click here to join my FREE Facebook group that is a community of people who also know the power is in the mindset, mind control and mind growth in order to be successful in their personal and professional  lives. Join us now!

Angela Newhouse
Author and Empowerment Coach
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."

3 reasons to follow a Daily Mental Meal Plan

3 reasons to follow a Daily Mental Meal Plan
Did you know that I am the creator of the "Daily Mental Meal" that is "Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."? There is a book coming soon!  

Here is just a small piece of it below.

Reason 1. OPENS YOUR MIND ~ If you set your day up with a mental diet then you open your mind to evaluating, learning, and conditioning your mind for self growth. Self evaluation and growth within your mind can be a make or break part of your journey. When chasing dreams, chasing a career or chasing a family life, you will need mental strength and an open mind to see all of the great potential for your way to THRIVE!

Reason 2. SETS THE TONE ~ It creates a subconscious plan for positivity and self encouragement to tackle whatever you want to tackle for the day.  Whenever you can jump ahead of what the day throws at you then you will be able to face things head on because you are mentally ready for success versus mentally unprepared and chance being defeated for the day.

Reason 3. FUELS YOUR INSPIRATION ~ It will fuel inspiration inside of you to get more accomplished and even more planned for the future.  Fueling your inspiration can also be a huge confidence boost! As we get inspired and drive ourselves towards goals, we feel accomplished. Feeling accomplished boosts confidence so get inspired today!

If you want to learn more, jump on over to my free FB group The Mended Soul~ From fearful to fearless by clicking here

Do you want to learn even more? Click here!

Angela Newhouse
Author and Empowerment Coach
Creator of the Daily Mental Meal Plan ~
"Eat positivity for breakfast, motivation for lunch, comprehension for dinner and peace for dessert."

The 3 TOP reasons to know WHO YOU ARE

The 3 TOP reasons to know WHO YOU ARE
Life has so many struggles and curve balls that make things difficult. What can make your life even more difficult is not knowing who you really are. Knowing your morals, knowing your boundaries, knowing the deep depths of what makes you happy or sad can give you a huge advantage at navigating life in the most rewarding way. 

Take some time to figure out who you are. Don't just be a follower or a person who is so passive that they are living someone else’s s' life and not their own. Be YOU. Knowing who you are can create a magical, memorable and phenomenal  life for you instead of a blah one. Check out the 3 top reasons to know who you are,  below!

1. Helps you set boundaries- Setting boundaries in your life is super important to your success personally and professionally. If you do not know who you are and what you stand for then you are more likely to get taken advantage of. That is a something that no one likes or wants. 

2. Helps you create a better future -Knowing who you are and what you want out of life is a huge factor in picking the roads that you will travel down. In order to plan out your future, you really need to take a deep look inside of yourself and ask yourself where you want to be, what you want to accomplish and what impact do you want to make on the world. If you don't know who you really are inside of your soul then you will struggle with bouncing around chasing bubbles that burst when you catch them.

3. Helps you find your confidence -Confidence is truly the key to success. If you don't have confidence in yourself or what you are doing then you will most likely not get the most out of it. A lack of confidence can make your life more of a struggle than it needs to be. I used to think confidence was cocky, but it is not. Confidence, if used correctly can be the power that you are missing in your life to be successful in your personal and professional life.

If you want to learn more about the tools that can help you find out who you truly are inside then click here.  

Do you want to join a community of like minded people who are dedicated to their personal growth and success? Join my free community by clicking here! I can't wait to meet you!

Angela Newhouse
Never give up on creating a better YOU!
Facebook @The Mended Soul
ClubHouse @AngelaNewhouse
Instagram @TheMendedSouls
Instagram @Ang_Newhouse

3 must have steps to add to your daily routine!

3 must have steps to add to your daily routine!
In your journey to finding true happiness and advancing into living a happy life there are some things that you need to add to your daily routine. You brush your teeth daily correct? You get dressed every day right? These things that I am suggesting can be done while you are getting ready in the morning or before you go to bed at night or both. I do my daily affirmations twice a day. 

I look in the mirror and remind myself every day these three things. 

1. What is my reason WHY? What is driving you towards wanting a better or different life? What lights your fire and gives you the motivation to be a better person, to dream bigger, and to make a difference in the world? For so long I did not know my purpose. I had a life filled full of traumas and I just wanted to survive. Dreaming was out of the question because it took energy I needed and I was scared to be let down like I had been so many times. Make sure when you write down your reason why that you are very clear so that when you remind yourself daily then it imprints in your brain and becomes a must have.  For instance, my WHY is that I want to not only help others that are struggling with their self worth and confidence after trauma but I want to help my daughter, my step children always have the tools they need to tackle anything that life throws at them. That is my WHY. Help this generation and then next generation and many generations to come be unbreakable and unstoppable! 

2. Discover what you like and dislike. Remind yourself every day to cling to the things that make you feel good and not the things that make you feel bad. Grab a piece of paper and write good/bad and really look deep inside yourself and be honest with yourself. Even down to the things that may seem petty to you. Self discovery is everything. You NEED to know what makes you happy and do more of those things and weed out the bad. There is so much healing that can be done in these discoveries.

3. Mindset training. Train your mind every day to think of the good and not the bad. When we hear a scary diagnosis and they say 1/5 people do not recover from this then that is all we hear. What we need to focus on is 4/5 do. I teach my daughter to find the good in the situation. When she gets in trouble for something she thinks her world is falling a part and she says you always are mad at me. I slow down her mind and say lets discuss this. When was the last time you were grounded or in trouble? She said last month. Exactly so you have been good for an entire month and you used to be in trouble once a week. Look at the progress that you have made. That releases the stress on her mind just by reminding her that she has been doing so good lately.  Train your mind to see the good. It will ease your stress and allow you to see the bright side instead of the dark side.

These 3 things are so important on your journey to thriving. Self talk, self appreciation and self love are not selfish, they are necessary.  If you are loving yourself then you will express more love to those around you. You will start to attract more love in your life and be one step closer to livin' a happy life.

Angela Newhouse
Never Give Up!
Don't just live...Thrive!
Join my free Unbreakable, Unstoppable & Driven group!

3 reasons why creating personal boundaries is important!

3 reasons why creating personal boundaries is important!
You are less likely to be manipulated-being manipulated can happen and you may not even know it. You will start to wonder, did you make that decision or did they make it for you? Setting personal boundaries can help you from having people walk on you or manipulate you. Being manipulated is less likely to happen to people that have set and clear boundaries.

It helps you define who you are and gives you self awareness-If you don't have self awareness then there is the possibility of you taking on the persona of others and not being your own self. People with no personal boundaries can easily fall into the crowd and be a follower and it may not always be in your best interest to follow others. They may not have the same morals and heart as you do. What are your likes, dislikes and what morals do you have? What boundaries do you want to set? Do you really know what you want and who you are?
It sets clear expectations to those around you- If you do not set clear expectations and make it known to those around you then they have no clue how to act. Maybe you don't like cussing around you. If you don't express yourself and set the boundary of no cussing around you then how will people know? Maybe you don't like to be picked on. Maybe it overwhelms you or makes you very upset. By setting clear expectations and communicating with those around you then it sets a personal boundary around you that others will respect. Example:  If you truly want the negativity around you to stop then set clear expectations and personal boundaries in regards to not allowing negativity around you. You will see your life brighten with every positive moment.

These are just a few reasons to set personal boundaries but you need to:

Know who you are.

Know what you believe in.

Know what you will allow around you and what you will not allow around you.

Having these personal boundaries set will help you from falling victim to abuse.

Angela Newhouse~Author
The Scars That Built Me (Published book)
Never Give Up!
Don't just live...thrive!

3 reasons to keep your mind open!

3 reasons to keep your mind open!
We all get a little narrow minded especially if you have a lot of drive. You focus on the end goal and go for it! That is great but sometimes during that journey you focus so hard that you don't keep your eyes open for other opportunities. So, I am going to give you 3 reasons to always keep your mind OPEN.

1. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS OUT ON GROWTH-  Life teaches us so many lessons if we just pay attention. We have opportunities every day to learn something new. Whether it is personal growth or growth in our jobs, we have the opportunity. If you are close minded then you may never see the beauty in learning something new.  You will be stuck in the same place and never move forward. Every single one of us need growth throughout our lives. We aren't born perfect and full of knowledge. Keep your mind OPEN!

2. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS A LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITY- I have always had the thought of wow my life is a little crazy and I should write a book to help others. It was just a thought. Had I been close minded then I would have never picked up on some information that led me to learning how I can "actually" write a book and get it out to the world. Me 10 years ago would have been so focused on surviving each day that I would not have looked forward into seeing how beautiful the future can be. If you are focusing so hard on one thing you may miss out on seeing things around you. It is like parents who sit on their phones all of the time and the child comes and asks them to come play and they keep saying wait a minute. Pretty soon the child stops asking and it isn't until then we realize we have lost precious moments and opportunities to create memories with them. Don't be close minded.

3. YOU CAN FIND INNER STRENGTH THAT YOU NEVER KNEW YOU HAD- If you do not have an open mind then you may never dig deep inside of yourself and challenge yourself to go for that new dream. You may never even dream. You may think that your life has met its max capacity and you just feel like you need to ride it out. NO. There are so many things that you can add to your life to go from just living to THRIVING! If you close off your mind then you may never know that your life can get better than it is today. It can. It can always get better. If you have an open mind then you will find yourself challenging yourself and finding a new strength within yourself to want to obtain those dreams. Change your circumstances, open your mind and DREAM of all of the possibilities out there for you, for your children, for your family and friends! I never would have guessed that I would be able to write a book and put it out there to the world. I would have been scared of failure, scared of criticism, scared of drawing attention to myself. Today I feel freer that I have in a long time by knowing that my book is being released. I have a new sense of strength inside of me that I never knew was there and that in itself is a beautiful thing.

Angela Newhouse
Never Give Up
Don't just live...Thrive!

3 "must be done" steps to finding yourself!

3 "must be done" steps to finding yourself!
We have all gotten lost along the way, but we haven't all found our way back. Life throws us curve balls and knocks us off course and it is our job to navigate it and keep going. For a very long time, I fought so hard to be made of steel, to be able to survive anything, to be numb to the world so that it could not hurt me. When I was living that journey I closed off some of the greatest parts about life and I definitely lost who I was and who I wanted to be. 

These are steps to help you get back on the right path so that you can enjoy life and know exactly who you are.

1. Make sense of your past so you can move forward- What does this mean? This step is for you to really dive into your past and wrap your head around the things that happened. There may be things that you are holding on to that affect you in a negative way and those things may not have anything to do with you as a person. I held on to some abuse that happened to me and I always felt like I was defective. I felt like there was something about me that caused the abuse or that I drew it into me. That was wrong and I know that now but it took me a long time to realize that there was no way to change the situation, that it was not me and when I made sense of it all then it was a relief. I made sense of the situation and realized that it was the another person that had issues, not me. If it wasn't me, they would have abused another. So when I stopped carrying the heavy load on myself and made sense of the situation that was out of my control, then I was able to heal, grow and truly find myself inside all of that internal turmoil. 

2. Silence your inner critic because you can't grow with negativity tearing you down-We sometimes tend to be our worst enemy.  I am the type of person that feels very deeply. If I do something wrong, there is no worst critic than me. While that may be good to have a conscious and to be self aware, we do not want to let it control us and prevent us from being the best version of ourselves. If we dream of running our own company or of climbing the corporate ladder to the top, then let ourselves dream! Do not let our inner critic ruin this journey for us. Silence it. 

3. Think about what you want to have in the future-Live out your dreams! If you do not let yourself envision the future then where are you going? You will be stuck in the present with no direction. How are you supposed to really know what kind of person you are, what kind of person you want to be, and what kind of life you want to live if you don't have a vision of the future. Take the "grow up, go to college, get married, have kids" vision as an example. How are you going to know where you want to go to college? How are you going to know where you want to live? How are you going to know where you want to raise a family or even if you do want a family? I know that we can't control all aspects of our future and that we sometimes end up in a totally different place than we want to be, but sometimes we don't. My step daughter always said she was going to grow up and live in North Carolina and well, she made that happen. Moving across the US to a place that she envisioned her future being built showed a lot of self awareness and you have to find yourself and know yourself to do that. 

Take some time to yourself and really deep dive into making sense of your past and letting go of all of the negative. Get rid of your inner critic and change your mindset. Use all of the wonderful positive things that you know about yourself to build the greatest version of you. Make the biggest and loudest voices in your head the positive ones! 

Angela Newhouse
"Never Give Up"
Don't just live...Thrive!

3 things to help you get started with CHANGE in your life

3 things to help you get started with CHANGE in your life
There are many things in life that can hold us back but why not keep going? 

What is it going to take for you to learn that life CAN get better?

So much of life can be turned around with mindset. Take me for instance, I have had a long list of traumas or set backs but I keep going. Why do I keep going? Because I know the answer to the questions below.  Knowing these three things can help you get started. After that, move on to my FREE 30 day Don't just live...Thrive challenge. You can join my free group by clicking this link and finding the challenge listed in the UNITS section of the page.

Ok, back to the 3 things to get you started. Do you want a happier life? Do you want a better life? What do you want to be different than it is right now? Why is it bad the way that it is?

1. What do you want to change about your life? Don't leave it open ended. Drive this down to the nitty gritty details. Don't be scared, this exercise can actually help you determine exactly what you want. You may not know and this will clear things up. It might be a few things. Write them down. You need to reference this any time that you feel like you can't remember what you wanted. Trust me, it happens.

2. Know your WHY. Why do you want to change these things? What is life like if you don't change these things? Why are you doing this? Is it for your kids, your family, you? Know exactly WHY you want to make the change. Make this very detailed because you may need to remind your self every day until you build more and more strength to make the change. These things will keep you going when you feel like quitting. 

3. What is end goal? Be clear on this. Don't just say I want a happier life. Define what will make it happy. What is your end goal?  An example would be I want to be healthier. Don't just stop there. Nail it down to "I want to be healthier so that I have more energy to play with my kids". Specifics will help you from getting lost in the big picture and losing motivation. When you decide what your end goal is then create the steps to accomplishing that goal. What do you need to do first, second, third etc.

Now this is just a touch of what I have planned for you all in 2021! Get signed up today to learn more! Follow the link, join the group and get the FREE 30 day challenge !  

Angela Newhouse
Never Give Up
Don't just live...THRIVE!

Be YOU. Here are 3 steps to help you, keep being YOU

Be YOU. Here are 3 steps to help you, keep being YOU
Be YOU. We all tend to get a little caught up in competing, or day dreaming of how it would be to be Jane Doe. DO NOT stay in this mindset. Be yourself. Don't be anyone else. I struggled for years to be a little bit more like this person or that person and lost my own identity.  Why do we do that? Because deep down we don't even know who we are. Lets fix that! I have a 30 day challenge coming up and it will help you transform your mindset and give you a sense of security in knowing by the end that you know exactly who YOU are!  Follow this link to join the group before the challenge starts!

1. Think for yourself and be YOU.  It is ok to learn from others but do not lose yourself along the way. Find your own passions, your own beauty in life and your own self. In order to stand on your own two feet and THRIVE, you will need to think for yourself. Stop relying on everyone else to make decisions first. Be bold, start making YOU shine today!

2. What does your happy heart and soul look like? Find the true meaning within yourself. If you do not know what makes your heart happy then you need to do a little self discovery. Happiness comes from within not from others. In order to be the best version of yourself, you need to know what is deep within your soul and use that as stepping stones to a better life.

3. Stop worrying about what others think. You can't control other people. You can only control yourself. If you spent more time on self discovery and doing the things that make you feel good instead of worrying about and pleasing other people all of the time then you would be miles ahead of where you are. I used to get so caught up in pleasing other people, trying to follow them in their success and trying to kind of be like them that I truly lost who I was and who I wanted to be. So my advice to you is STOP. Shine in your own way. We are all unique and we are special. Don't be like anyone else but yourself.

Join my FREE Facebook group to learn more!

Angela Newhouse
Never Give Up!
From broken and afraid to confident and thriving!

Don't put your dreams aside and chase someone elses, here is why...

Don't put your dreams aside and chase someone elses, here is why...
I have been down some paths in my life that I thought were right, at the time. One of those things was always being supportive and helping others with their dreams. While we want to be caring and supportive and help others, what we don't want to do is set our goals and our dreams aside just to help them. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself...what do YOU want out of life?

If you only help others you could start to lose a sense of yourself along the way and that is something that will set you back.  You need personal development and personal fulfillment in order to thrive.

Here is my advice to you:

1. Chase your dreams! When you fulfill your heart by going after your dreams then you can truly help others without hesitation.  When you always help others and not yourself it will wear you down. You can even start to have resentment towards others or maybe just get tired of helping people all together. In order to be the best YOU that you can be, make sure you are fulfilling your needs within also.

2. Do you want to look back at the last 10 years and realize that you haven't gotten anywhere? I don't want that for you. Remember it isn't selfish to want to advance your knowledge, better your life and thrive! You just need to do it in a humble manner.  The lesson though is to not put yourself on the back burner on simmer because eventually there won't be anything left in the pan to give.

3. If the big goals scare you, start with small ones. Is your dream to own your own business but scares you to even think about going after it? Start with baby steps. Start a side gig that works its way to bigger and bigger goals. If you are in sales then say hey I want to sell $1,000 a month and this is how. Totally doable. If you set a goal of wanting to sell $10,000  a month in the first month and no one even knows about your business yet then maybe you are setting yourself up for failure.

Start small, set goals, accomplish the goals, set bigger goals and so on but always, always, always make sure that you are doing whatever it is that you are doing, for you as well. Do not make all of these goals and accomplish them for other people until you have filled your cup first. 

The cup can overflow with happiness and you can thrive but not if you are dying inside and neglecting yourself along the way.  

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Angela Newhouse
Never Give Up
Don't just live...Thrive!

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